Aayush Hospital Vijayawada Doctors List, Address & Contact Number

In this article, we will discuss the Aayush Hospital Vijayawada Doctors List and also its Address and Contact Number. The most priceless gift is life, and health is our greatest value. Health maintenance is crucial, and only hospital professionals can make that happen. Around the world, many excellent doctors put forth a lot of effort to improve society and help us live better lives.

Aayush Hospital Vijayawada Doctors List
Aayush Hospital Doctors List
Welcome to Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

Aayush Hospital Vijayawada is one of the excellent hospitals that has earned a great reputation for its high-quality medical care. The main aim of Aayush Hospital is to provide free healthcare treatment to heal patients. This page will provide the full information on the Aayush Hospital which is located at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh.

Aayush Hospital Vijayawada Doctors List With Degrees 2023

Cardiology Department in Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

Cardiologists diagnose, examine, and treat patients with abnormalities and disorders of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood arteries. If you are looking for a Cardiologist specializing in Consultant Cardiology and Echocardiology, the following name is for you.

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Doctor NameDegreeDesignation
Dr. Gopala Krishna KoduruMD DM, Fellow in Interventional Cardiology (Australia)Managing Director & Consultant Cardiologist
Dr. Dr. P S Srinivasa ChowdaryRao LMBBS, MD(Medicine), DM (Cardiology, NIMS)Head of Cardiology
Dr Purnachandra Rao KondruMD DM (Cardiology)Director of Cathlab
Dr. G SomasekharMD DM Fellowship in ElectrophysiologyConsultant Cardiologist & Electrophysiologist
Dr. P RaghuramMD DM PDFAdult & Paediatric Interventional Cardiologist
Dr. PVRS Subrahmanya SarmaMD DMConsultant Cardiologist
Dr. Maganti SVRKV PrasadMBBS PGDHS DCCClinical Cardiologist
Dr. Y SashidharMBBS PGDCCClinical Cardiologist

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Cardiothoracic Surgery Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Srinivasa Sai KantamaneniMS, MCh, FIACSChief Cardiothoracic Surgeon
Dr. Sai PavanMS, MChConsultant Cardiothoracic Surgeon

Anesthesiology & Critical Care Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

Doctor NameDegreeDesignation
Dr. Ramesh Babu YMBBS, MD, DAChief of Anaesthesiology & Critical Care
Dr. Venkata Sesha Sai Krishna ManneMBBS MD ANAESTHESIAConsultant Cardiac Anaesthesiologist
Dr. Venkata Sateesh DaggupatiMBBS, DAConsultant Anaesthesiologist
Dr. U BhavanaMBBS MD (anaesthesia)Consultant Anaesthesiologist
Dr. A Phani MadhaviMBBS DNBConsultant Anaesthesiologist
Dr. Koti SrikanthMBBS DNB IDCCMConsultant Critical Care
Dr. Venkata Sanjeev Reddy YDNB IDCCM FNBFNB
Dr. Lakshmi Deepthi DM.B.B.S., M.D.(Anaesthesiology)Consultant Anesthesiologist
Dr. Krishna ChaitanyaM.D.(Anaesthesiology)Consultant Anesthesiologist

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Emergency & Trauma Care

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Tarun Chowdary JSMD (A&EM)Consultant ER Physician
Dr. Madireddi MP KumarMBBS DEMConsultant ER Physician
Dr. S PaavaniDEM MRCEM (A&EM)Consultant ER Physician
Dr. Leela KrishnaMBBS MEM (A&EM)JR Consultant ER Physician

Orthopaedic Surgery & Joint Replacement Department in Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

An orthopedic surgeon is an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in diagnosing, treating, preventing, and rehabilitating injuries, illnesses, and diseases that impact the body’s musculoskeletal system. Read the information that is provided below if you want better care.

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Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Suman PendyalaMS (ortho) MCh (ortho) MRCS (UK)Consultant Joint Replacement Surgeon
Dr. Hari Krishna BasineniMS (ortho) MCh (ortho)Consultant Arthroscopic & Joint Replacement Surgeon

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Gynaecology & Obstetrics Department in Aayush Hospital Vijayawada

Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor is for normal checkups of female patients and diagnosis and monitoring of illnesses and disorders. The highly qualified doctor we recommend for you is given below with their qualification and information.

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Geetha Devi KMD (OBG), FICOGSenior Consultant Gynaecologist
Dr. Pujita Phani Soundarya ThotakuraMBBSMBBS MDDEMJunior Consultant Gynaecologist
Dr. Indraja AchantaMBBS MS GYNAECConsultant Gynaecologist
Dr. Bhagavan PachikaMBBS DCHConsultant Paediatrician

General Medicine & Diabetology

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Madhavi SagiMD (Gen)Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
Dr. Sirisha DevallaMD (Gen)Consultant Physician & Diabetologist
Dr. Padma ChirumamillaMBBS, MD (USA)Consultant Physician & Diabetologist

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Medical Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Sree Harsha ModupalleM.D, D.M(Gastroenterology)Consultant Gastroenterology

Surgical Gastroenterology & Bariatric Surgery

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. U ChakrapaniMS DNB(Gen) DNB (SGE),FIAGES,FACRSIConsultant Surgical Gastroenterologist & Liver Transplant Surgeon

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Nephrology & Kidney Transplant Medicine

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. M. Hari krishnaMD DNBConsultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician

Urology & Kidney Transplant Surgery

Urologists are medical professionals who have completed further training to specialize in diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders affecting both males’ and females’ urinary systems and reproductive organs. Visit the Ayush Hospital if you want to get quality care. We have given information about their qualifications below.

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Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Srimannarayana PaturiMS MCh (Genito Urinary Surgery)Consultant Urologist


Doctor NameDegreesDesignation

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Neurosurgery (Brain & Spine Center)

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. M A AmeenMS MCh Neurosurgery FICS FCVSConsultant Neurosurgeon

Pulmonology & Sleep medicine

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Gopala Krishna M SDNB, DTCD, FCCPInterventional Pulmonologist & Sleep Medicine Specialist

Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. D Ankamma RaoDMRD DNBConsultant Radiologist
Dr. Srinivas DandamudiMD (Radiology)Consultant Radiologist

Laboratory Medicine

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Mohan Kumar YalamanchiMD (Bioch)Consultant Biochemist
Dr. K V N SrikanthMD pathConsultant Pathologist
Dr. C. Rattaiah ShettyMBBS,M.D,DipRCPath (UK)Consultant Microbiologist

Transfusion Medicine

Doctor NameDegreesDesignation
Dr. Parvataneni PadmaMBBS, MA (Psychology)Medical Officer

Aayush Hospital Vijayawada NRI LEPL Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. Address & Contact Number

Address48-13-3 / 3A, Opp.Siddhartha Medical College, Ring Road Sri Ramachandra Nagar, Vijayawada, 520 008, Andhra Pradesh, India
Contact+919603929292, 9603959595