No matter what the time of year, there’s always some seasonal illness going around. Of course you want to stay healthy. But what are the safe, natural, and effective ways to do that?

While there are a lot of rumors and myths about what will keep you healthy, very little of them are scientifically validated. However, in this article I am going to share with you what has been proven to work. This takes all the guess work out of it so that staying healthy can be easy.
Recent Study Shed Light On What Works (Easy ways to prevent sickness)
Recently a group of researchers wanted to know what really works to help protect people against seasonal, respiratory illnesses. They looked at information gathered over decades. And they found that the best solutions are some of the simplest.
I’m going to share with you the 4 most effective things you can do. Follow these guidelines and you’ll be sure to have the healthiest season in years.
1. Mom Was Right: Eat Right To Stay Healthy
In today’s technologically-advanced age it may be hard to believe that simply eating right is the best protection. But that’s exactly what the researchers found. Eating a nutritious diet with enough calories is the best way to stay healthy. In fact, nothing else you can do can compare to the importance of eating well.

You may find this surprising, but the researchers found that the most important nutritional need is sufficient calories. I say that is surprising because the media would have you believe that you should eat fewer calories. But science shows that eating enough calories is the single best thing you can do for your health.
One of the reasons that calories are so important is that they are the basis of energy for our bodies. We need that energy to fuel our bodies, including our immune systems. But there’s another reason that calories are so important. That’s because eating enough calories usually means eating enough foods to supply all the other nutritional needs.
So it’s not just calories that are important. To meet your nutritional needs you should eat a variety of foods that supply all the nutrients you need. That includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. It also includes vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. So Mom’s advice to eat your vegetables and clean your plate is sound advice.
To stay healthy throughout the season plan to eat in the range of 3000 calories per day. Even more calories are needed if you are active. And plan to get those calories from a variety of foods. That should include meats, eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits, starches, and grains. You’ll get much more nutrition from homemade foods using real food ingredients than from fast food. And strive to get most of your calories from real food rather than from soft drinks.
The Whey to Health
Among foods, some stood out in the research as being particularly health-promoting. Of course all fruits, vegetables, eggs, and meats are important. But as part of a healthy diet, whey protein has been shown to be especially helpful for keeping seasonal illness at bay.
For one thing, whey protein has amino acids have been shown to improve immune health. But whey protein also has other substances that boost immunity. For example, whey contains lactoferrin, which is anti-microbial. It also contains antiviral substances.
The researchers found that eating between 20 and 60 grams of whey protein every day during the winter season can help stave off sickness.
3. Sunshine Vitamin Improves Immunity
In recent years a lot has been written about vitamin D. It is called the sunshine vitamin because we make it with the help of sunlight. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that performs a lot of functions in the body.
So it should come as no surprise to learn that low levels of vitamin D can lead to lowered immunity. The result of that is increased susceptibility to illness.
The researchers found that people with low vitamin D levels had a dramatic increase in seasonal illness. When those people supplemented with 1000-2000 IU of vitamin D daily their rates of illness dropped significantly.
On the other hand, supplemental vitamin D in those who already have enough is unlikely to do anything. But according to most research, most men living outside of the topics are typically low in vitamin D. That is particularly true in the winter months because sunlight is insufficient.
If you want to be extra cautious, you could get your vitamin D levels tested. But most experts agree that 1000-2000 IU of supplemental vitamin D per day is generally safe for adults.
4. Vitamin C
The research also shows that good old vitamin C can be helpful. I can reduce your likelihood of getting sick this season. However, its effects aren’t nearly as strong or consistent as the other things mentioned in this article. So don’t rely on vitamin C alone to keep you healthy.
Adding 600-1000 mg of vitamin C daily to your routine may be helpful. A number of studies showed that regular vitamin C supplementation for 3 weeks or longer is associated with fewer infections.
To stay healthy this season, research shows that the best solutions are among the simplest. You don’t need to rely on expensive or potentially dangerous interventions. Instead, follow the scientifically validated advice in this article:
● Eat enough and eat a variety of nutritious foods every day
● 20 to 60 grams of whey protein per day can boost immunity
● Keeping your vitamin D levels in a healthy range reduces the frequency of infections
● 600-1000 mg of vitamin C per day during the winter months can reduce infections
Follow these steps, and you’ll be more likely to make it through the season unscathed.
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